Tuesday 31 May 2016

Time-Line -1 June 2016

'Chicka' Dixon :     Docker, Trade Unionist, Aboriginal rights activist.

Turning points-


In 2010 -          declared as Aboriginal of the Year, Tent Embassy activist, builders’ labourer,                         wharfie, university  lecturer, and former chair of the Aboriginal Arts Board                                 

                      he represented his people around the world, studied with the Canadian                                   Native Americans, did a bit of jail.                              
                       was mates with prime ministers Gough Whitlam and Bob Hawke and                            

                        addressed 10,000 Chinese people in the Great Hall of the People                                
                       he had a direct involvement with the left and labour movement

    In 1967 -     Chicka was one of the central campaigners for the 1967 referendum,                                     an active participant of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy .
    In  1970 -     a founder of the  Aboriginal Legal Service                
                        the Federal Council for the Advancement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait                                  Islanders (FCAATSI). 

                        Chicka Dixon provided a key link between the earlier generations of working-                         class Indigenous activists and the post-1967 young ``Black Power"                                        indigenous activists