Wednesday 1 June 2016

1 June 2016

Nelson Mandela :        Close Activity

Word Bank:

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a great leader who spent his entire adult life working for equality and justice in South ______
Africa_____________________. Mandela has _inspired __________________________ people around the world to work non-violently for a better life.
Mandela was born on January 18, 1918, in _____South______________________ Africa. He was named Rolihlahla, which means "troublemaker" in the Xhosa language. Mandela's __grandfather_________________________ was the ruler of the Thembu people and his father was a local _chief__________________________.
Mandela fought against apartheid, the laws that established ______civil, ___________________ separation and oppression in South Africa. He was __arrested_________________________ for this and sentenced to life in prison in 1964. After spending 27 ___years________________________ in prison, he was released and was later _______elected____________________ President of South Africa.
Mandela served as ___President________________________ of South Africa from 1994 until 1999 (he refused a _____racial______________________ term). He championed reconciliation, the peaceful _resolution__________________________ of grievances after decades of repressive _laws__________________________ against black South Africans. Without Mandela's leadership, South Africa might well have lapsed into a bloody _____second______________________ war.

Mandela died on December 5, 2013, at the age of 95. He died of natural causes after a long ___illness________________________. He will be remembered as one of the greatest peace-makers and _statesmen__________________________ of all time. 

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Time-Line -1 June 2016

'Chicka' Dixon :     Docker, Trade Unionist, Aboriginal rights activist.

Turning points-


In 2010 -          declared as Aboriginal of the Year, Tent Embassy activist, builders’ labourer,                         wharfie, university  lecturer, and former chair of the Aboriginal Arts Board                                 

                      he represented his people around the world, studied with the Canadian                                   Native Americans, did a bit of jail.                              
                       was mates with prime ministers Gough Whitlam and Bob Hawke and                            

                        addressed 10,000 Chinese people in the Great Hall of the People                                
                       he had a direct involvement with the left and labour movement

    In 1967 -     Chicka was one of the central campaigners for the 1967 referendum,                                     an active participant of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy .
    In  1970 -     a founder of the  Aboriginal Legal Service                
                        the Federal Council for the Advancement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait                                  Islanders (FCAATSI). 

                        Chicka Dixon provided a key link between the earlier generations of working-                         class Indigenous activists and the post-1967 young ``Black Power"                                        indigenous activists

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Nelson Mandela's Biography 

Turning Point - 

  •  Nelson Mandela became increasingly aware of the unjust nature of South African Society. The majority of Black South Africans had little opportunities either Economic or Political
  • By the late 50s the S.A.state had become increasingly repressive making it more difficult for the ANC to operate. Mandela had to resign from the ANC and work underground.
  • In 21 March  1960,  Sharpeville Massacre Event  of 63 black south Afican had turned him in a fighter   It was an event  at the police station in the South African township of Sharpeville in Transvaal (today part of Gauteng). After a day of demonstrations against pass laws, a crowd of about 5,000 to 7,000 black African protesters went to the police station.That time Africa was increasingly isolated on the international scene and the government banned the ANC. This all led her to be  an advocate  for those black African armed struggler 
  • Mandela had been arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in the notorious Robben Island prison.
  •  Mandela’s release in 1990.
  • Nelson Mandela recently lost his eldest son to HIV epidemic disease .

  • Qualified as lawyer and opened the first Black Law firm in South Africa.
  • Mandela helped found the ANC Youth League.
  • 10 May 1994 Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as the first democratically elected State President of South Africa.
  •  His advocacy of reconciliation led to international acclaim and importantly the trust of the White African population.
  • In 1993 Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prizejointly with F.W. De Klerk

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Time line - Fred Hollows

            Fred Hollows (1923-1993)

  • 1923 - born in New Zealand 
  • 1960 - got a job in Australia
  • 1965 - became head of the  Eye Department at a Sydney hospital
  • 1970 - helped launch a national program to attack eye disease in Aboriginal Australians.
  • 1980 -  established  eye health programs in developing countries.
  • 1989 - knew about his suffering (cancer)
  • 1993 -  died in New Zealand 

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Time Line

                                 Kath Walker  (1920-1993) 

  • 1920-  born in Australia
  • 1941-  joined the Australian Women's Army Service 
  • 1958-  joined the Queensland Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders
  • 1960-   attended the Federal Council for Aboriginal Advancement (FCAA) annual conferences
  • 1962-  becoming the first Queensland state secretary and  in Adelaide she read her 'Aboriginal Charter of Rights'
  • 1964- first collection of poems" We are Going" was published by Jacaranda Press.
  • 1968- attended a World Council of Churches consultation on racism in London changed her  political philosophy 
  • 1970 -  supported FCAATSI(Federal Council for the Advancement of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders ) constitution which  increased her  Indigenous power on the Federal Council.
  • 1980 - return back to Stradbroke Island and  changed her name to Oodgeroo Noonuccal



Wednesday 27 April 2016

India run touches spirit

India Run Touches Spirit  - 

Article published in local newspaper -PARRAMATTA & HOLROYD SUN  on Thursday April 14 , 2016.
  • FORMER Australian MP Pat Farmer took part in race on January 26 ,2016
  • Aim  was to engaged in the public relations event between Australia and India 
  • it shows the power of a single individual in fulfilling dreams through action.
  • The  purpose of the run motivated by three goals .
  • The distance runner and winner awarded by Prime Minister John Howard.
  • The idea of journey start  with the Indian High commission to Australia Navdeep Suri.
  • Fairfax Journalist Kevin Nguyen followed Mr Farmer on his whole journey.
  •  Nguyen  admitted that ,participating in the spirit of India Run was full of  challenging,rewarding and good experiences for the rest the life.
This article is about Australian MP Pat Farmer  who took part in race on January 26,2016  in the Spirit of India Run .MP Pat Farmer participated in race on January 26 which can be marked both Australia Day and India's Republic Day and he has completed a 4616 Km in 60 days The main aim was to make  strong relationship in the public relations event between Australia and India .He wanted to show that one man can change the world as we used to leave all the work to the politician and diplomats .Moreover he wanted to show that the power of a single individual can  fulfilled their  dreams through with action. The purpose of this run race was motivated by three goals- to strengthen relations between two great democracies ,to raise funds for disadvantaged gifts in India and to inspire people to follow their own dreams .The distance runner and winner awarded by PM John Howard .It start with the Indian High Commission to Australia Navdeep Suri.Fairfax Journalist Kevin followed Mr  Farmer on his journey .He admitted that Spirit Of India Run was full of challenges and good experience .The  message behind this to do good work and become the part of history.      

Thursday 31 March 2016

Assessment Portfolio

Q1. What electronic technology have you used before you started the course?  
Ans.  Software applications like Microsoft office and blogs and Hardware like Laptop  we have used before started the course  .

Q2. Comment on your use of technology before starting the course and now
 Ans. A personal reflection - Technology has always been praised by all . It has "pros and cons" but i like it very much .It is the best way to empower the students in learning on their own time ,own pace in their own daily lives. 
 we feel more comfortable in sharing ideas  through a media like blog which we are using in daily basis,and even the student who are shy and don't want to share could fit in it.It prepare us for workforce by giving knowledge and skills which required also help in developing and polishing personal soft skill so i willingly wanted to pursue with the latest technology and personal training style.

Portfolio task -1

A.      Reflect on the advantages of using blogs for learning– for example, links to other   information cannot be clicked in a printed hardcopy. What else, do you think, is easier with this technology
Ans.  According to educational specialists ,using the blog in educational setting process have so many benefits that are as follows;
  • Promotion of critical and analytical thinking
  • increased exposure to quality content
  • helpful in social interaction 
  • internet safety .literacy
  • home-school connection and global connections
  • ,classroom community  
B. Reflect on the use of blogs to help students become independent learners which is an       essential skill for all higher education students- for example, think of the self-guided Practice Tasks      that you have done to prepare for assessments 
Ans. Encouraging students to be independent learners not only has huge benefits for them but it also gives high impact,low cost way to improve progress  . it help students to become more aware of steps involved in learning .to understand  their own individual learning style and helps them share their thinking. so it develop communication that includes language focused on learning.Therefore we can say that it is helpful in having reflective personality and habits of maintaining learners diary.
   c. Comment /give feedback on any other aspects to do with this particular technology – this           may include your level of engagement, your thoughts on its usefulness for your own learning, and how you intend using such technology in the future, both personally and as a student
Ans. This can be  good way to improve students confidence in working independently and limit use of attainment grades and scores and  consider giving grades for level of efforts.

Portfolio  Task -2

A)         Have you used blogs before you started the course?  YES/NO (Circle one)
B)         Using blogs during your course – please answer the questions below:
·         Can you open the class blog and your own blog on your computer at home?

·         Where did you do most of the blogging (booked computer at college or at home)?
·         Are you using your mobile phone for blogging?
       Ans. No

Portfolio  Task -2

1. Write or paste (if you are using the electronic version) the URLs (internet addresses) from the     three links into the boxes below
Ans .

2. Reflect and comment on using this technology/blogs for language learning.
          Do you think you will use it in future?
 Technology also changes the way teachers teach, offering educators effective ways to reach different types of learners and assess student understanding through multiple means. It also enhances the relationship between teacher and student. When technology is effectively integrated into subject areas, teachers grow into roles of adviser, content expert, and coach. Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun. Definitely i am going to use these technology in my future life.